Sunday, January 13, 2013

Know The Risk Factors Of Prostate Cancer And Opt For The Best Prostate Treatment

Different diseases have different risk factors. Certain cancers are normally linked to things like smoking, which you can alter and decrease the risk. But a prostate cancer may have risk factors like the person's age, family history, nationality, etc, which cannot be altered. Understanding of the risk factors gives an insight into how susceptible one is to this disease. Having knowledge about the symptoms too is a good thing and helps you diagnose the condition quickly. This way, you can start early with the required prostate treatment and gain your health back in a shorter time. The risk factors listed below are known to have an effect on this cancer's incidence. However, there are people with one or more of these risk factors, who are healthy, without any symptoms of this condition.

Age: It is usually considered rare for a man below 40 to get prostate cancer. Once a man reaches the age of 40, his chances of getting this condition go up tremendously. As they reach the age of 65, it becomes quite common, as 2 out of 3 men have found to have this cancer.

Race: prostate cancer is normally seen more in African-American men than in the men of other races. Though the reason behind this is not well-known, it has also been observed that these men are more susceptible than the others.

Nationality: This condition is mostly seen in the countries of North America and North-western Europe. This is less common in Asia, Africa, Central and South America.

Family History: This cancer is generally observed to run in certain families more than others. Some inherited genes also may cause this condition to occur.

Diet: Men consuming high quantities of red meat or fatty dairy products, have higher chances of getting this condition. If these same men do not eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, the risk may become higher.

Obesity and Smoking: Obese men are found to have high risk of getting this cancer. Some studies have found that smoking can also be a risk factor to increase the chances of getting this cancer.

Prostatitis: Inflammation of the prostate may become a risk for prostate cancer. This is usually caused due to an infection.

Symptoms of prostate enlargement need immediate care. Make sure that the prostate treatment is given to the patient at the right time. As men advance in their age, regular checks for enlarged prostate is necessary, even if there are not any noticeable symptoms. Doctors suggest the right prostate treatment based on its severity. Some suggestions for prostate cancer treatment are expectant management, surgery, radiation therapy, cryosurgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and vaccine treatment. Your doctor can suggest the best treatment based on your health condition.

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